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Who is Björn Höcke, leader of the German far right?

Despite his outrageous outbursts, which have irritated people in his own camp, the leader of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party led it to the top of the polls in the Thuringian regional elections – a first since the post-war period.

Le Monde |  | Fuente original

Soutien clair ou sous conditions ? Les macronistes peinent à trouver le bon ton face à Michel Barnier

DÉCRYPTAGE - Alors que l’Élysée évoque une «coexistence exigeante» avec le nouveau premier ministre issu de LR, les députés Renaissance oscillent entre volonté de participer à une coalition et expression de «lignes rouges». Ils doivent le rencontrer mardi pour la première fois.

Le Figaro |  | Fuente original

Landsadvocaat krijgt waarschuwing voor rol in fraudezaak 

Landsadvocaat krijgt waarschuwing voor rol in fraudezaak 

Het Financieele Dagblad |  | Fuente original

Bezwaren van buurtbewoners en milieuclubs zorgen voor flinke rem op woningbouw: ’Roep de noodtoestand uit’

De verkoop van nieuwbouwwoningen loopt flink beter, dankzij de dalende rente en stijgende inkomens. Maar de doelstelling van jaarlijks 100.000 extra woningen blijft ver uit beeld.

De Telegraaf |  | Fuente original

Kamala Harris vs. Donald Trump: How They Will Try to Win the Debate

Kamala Harris vs. Donald Trump: How They Will Try to Win the Debate

The Wall Street Journal |  | Fuente original

As Debate Looms, Trump Is Now the One Facing Questions About Age and Capacity

With President Biden no longer in the race, former President Donald J. Trump would be the oldest person ever to serve in the Oval Office. But his rambling, sometimes incoherent public statements have stirred concern among voters.

The New York Times |  | Fuente original

Top US, Chinese military officials hold first video call

The two nations are looking to stabilise military ties and prevent military misunderstandings

The Straits Times |  | Fuente original