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Carmaking returns to Singapore with Hyundai's new smart plant in Jurong

Electric cars will be built at a highly automated factory in Singapore, marking the return of automobile manufacturing here and incorporating first-of-its-kind features.

The Straits Times |  | Fuente original

There’s No Oil in Wisconsin. The Fracking Bust Hit It Anyway.

Mines that sent trainloads of “Northern White” sand to West Texas for hydraulic fracturing sit idle, costing jobs and hurting local-government coffers.

The Wall Street Journal |  | Fuente original

How offshore wind became such a good bet 

Boris Johnson wants wind turbines to power every home by 2030

The Telegraph |  | Fuente original

Grbavci i susjedna sela povezani putem s Gornjim Podgradcima

Zajedničkom akcijom mještana potkozarskih sela Grbavci, Baraji i Gornji Podgradci, te Gradske uprave Bosanska Gradiška izgrađen je asfaltni put dužine 1.860 metara

Dnevni avaz |  | Fuente original

A Major Miner’s Daunting Dig Could Reshape the Iron-Ore Market

Rio Tinto’s next leader will inherit a decision that could define the miner’s next decade: whether to partner with China on a potentially lucrative but costly African project that could reshape the iron-ore market.

The Wall Street Journal |  | Fuente original

L’Acoda afirma que la construcció manté el ritme gràcies als privats.

L’Acoda afirma que la construcció manté el ritme gràcies als privats.

El Periòdic d'Andorra |  | Fuente original