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Trump enfrentará su segundo juicio político con fines de destitución

La Cámara de Representantes aprobó el 'impeachment' en su contra por ‘incitar a la insurrección’.

El Tiempo |  | Fuente original

Se activa el segundo juicio político contra Trump

Con el apoyo de 10 republicanos, la Cámara de Representantes votó por 232 a 197 votos un nuevo impeachment contra el Presidente, a quien acusan de “incitar a la insurrección” por los violentos hechos ocurridos hace una semana en el Capitolio.

Pulso |  | Fuente original

Una ofensiva para neutralizar el eventual regreso de Trump a la Casa Blanca

Una ofensiva para neutralizar el eventual regreso de Trump a la Casa Blanca

La Nación - Argentina |  | Fuente original

Donald Trump impeached a second time over mob attack on US Capitol

Ten Republicans support unprecedented second impeachment as Nancy Pelosi says Trump represents ‘clear and present danger’

The Guardian |  | Fuente original

America on alert as Donald Trump is impeached for second time

President Trump issued an appeal against further violence yesterday as his place in history was sealed when he became the first US leader to be impeached twice.Only 10 out of 211 Republicans joined

The Times |  | Fuente original

Trump becomes first US president to be impeached twice

All 222 House Democrats and 10 Republicans voted to charge Trump with incitement of insurrection.

The Straits Times |  | Fuente original

President Trump Impeached by the House for Second Time

The House voted to impeach President Trump for an unprecedented second time, alleging he encouraged a mob to storm the U.S. Capitol as part of an effort to overturn Democrat Joe Biden’s election win. Mitch McConnell doesn’t plan to bring the Senate back before Jan. 19, meaning a trial would occur during Mr. Biden’s term.

The Wall Street Journal |  | Fuente original