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Contralora advierte que tercer presupuesto extraordinario del Gobierno aumentaría el déficit fiscal al 11,7% del PIB

Contralora advierte que tercer presupuesto extraordinario del Gobierno aumentaría el déficit fiscal al 11,7% del PIB

El Financiero - Costa Rica |  | Fuente original

Pietragalla: el patrimonio del secretario de DDHH creció un 2300% en dos años

Pietragalla: el patrimonio del secretario de DDHH creció un 2300% en dos años

La Nación - Argentina |  | Fuente original

Economists say stimulus needed to prevent more hardship as Trump appears to soften stance on cash boost for Americans

Economists say stimulus needed to prevent more hardship as Trump appears to soften stance on cash boost for Americans

The Guardian |  | Fuente original

Donald Trump said talks on a stimulus package are off – and the problems will only get worse

Donald Trump said talks on a stimulus package are off – and the problems will only get worse

The Guardian |  | Fuente original

Economy's recovery slows sharply despite Eat Out to Help Out boost

Monthly GDP rises a slower-than-expected 2.1pc in July as economists warn recovery is under threat

The Telegraph |  | Fuente original

As Washington fumbled relief talks, economy’s cracks deepened in recent months.

Loss of momentum raises danger of protracted, disappointing recovery.

The Washington Post |  | Fuente original

White House, Congress continue pressing on economic relief package but Pelosi bristles over Trump approach.

After getting mixed signals from the White House, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi confronted Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin over who speaks for the president.

The Washington Post |  | Fuente original