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Taxpayers face £26bn bill from Bounce Back loan fraudsters

Up to 60pc of borrowers may default on their Bounce Back scheme loans after ‘hasty’ launch

The Telegraph |  | Fuente original

Why a wealth tax won't work

Practical difficulties and low revenues mean only four developed countries impose a levy on wealth, down from 12 in 1990

The Telegraph |  | Fuente original

US economic recovery gets harder as Trump end stimulus talks; stocks tumble

WASHINGTON (BLOOMBERG) - The collapse of pre-election US stimulus talks threatens to inflict another wave of economic pain on Americans and curtail a recovery that's already slowed.

The Straits Times |  | Fuente original

Trump Halts Covid-19 Relief Aid Talks Until After Election

The president said he is pausing efforts to get more aid to struggling households and businesses until after Election Day.

The Wall Street Journal |  | Fuente original

Trump just crushed the stimulus talks, endangering the U.S. economy.

This new wave of layoffs will only add more people to the 26 million Americans who were already receiving unemployment compensation.

The Washington Post |  | Fuente original

Kapitaalinjectie om Scotch & Soda door coronacrisis te helpen

Modemerk kreeg flinke klappen doordat winkels vrijwel overal ter wereld dicht moesten. Eigenaar Sun Capital leende in twee etappes €15 mln. Een consortium van Nederlandse banken verstrekte eveneens €15 mln.

Het Financieele Dagblad |  | Fuente original

Recovery Fund, passa la linea tedesca sulla governance. Via ai negoziati con il Parlamento

All'Ecofin passa la linea di Berlino nonostante l'opposizione dei frugali che chiedevano un rapporto più stretto tra l'erogazione dei fondi e il rispetto delle prescrizioni europee sui conti pubblici. Gualtieri: "No potere di veto"

La Repubblica |  | Fuente original