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Alimentari, aumenti fino al 43% del carrello della spesa: ecco i prodotti che sono aumentati di più

Olio di semi di girasole, farina 00, pasta, olio extravergine, zucchero, caffè, latte, passata di pomodoro, zucchine e banane: sono i prodotti di cui l’associazione Altroconsumo ha preso in esame i prezzi nel mese di marzo

Corriere della Sera |  | Fuente original

China’s Economy Appears to Be Stalling, Threatening to Drag Down Global Growth

While a traditional recession of two straight quarters of contraction remains unlikely for the country, economists see worrisome signs of a spell of slower growth.

The Wall Street Journal |  | Fuente original

EU to propose phasing out Russian oil in new sanctions wave

The commission will propose to phase in the ban, giving countries time to diversify supply.

The Straits Times |  | Fuente original

Lloyd’s of London ready for £8bn dogfight over planes ‘stolen’ by Putin

Insurance market seeks to ‘deny’ claims from owners of 500 aircraft seized by Russia

The Telegraph |  | Fuente original

Kwarteng and Sunak at odds over windfall tax on oil and gas profits

Government sources play down idea of cabinet split as business secretary quashes idea recently mooted by chancellor

The Guardian |  | Fuente original

Bank of England ‘duty bound’ to trigger recession to curb inflation

Ex-official says policymakers must shrink the UK economy to limit upward pressure on prices made worse by Brexit

The Guardian |  | Fuente original

Siete de cada 10 préstamos hipotecarios se firman con un plazo superior a una década

Las entidades financieras vaticinan un endurecimiento de las condiciones de concesión y una caída de la demanda de préstamos hipotecarios

Voz Pópuli |  | Fuente original