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Não há como fazer mágica com preços da Petrobras, diz chefe do Cade

Barreto diz não poder interferir na política da empresa, contrariando expectativa da equipe econômica

Folha de S.Paulo |  | Fuente original

Petrolio, il boom dei prezzi fa volare i profitti di Saudi Aramco: +82% a 39,5 miliardi di dollari

Impennata degli utili per il colosso saudita grazie ai rincari del greggio. E il gigante ha di recente scalzato Apple come società a maggiore capitalizz…

La Repubblica |  | Fuente original

Saudi Aramco, het grootste beursgenoteerde bedrijf ter wereld, boekt 82% meer winst

Saudi Aramco, het grootste beursgenoteerde bedrijf ter wereld, boekt 82% meer winst

Het Financieele Dagblad |  | Fuente original

Stijgende hypotheekrente maakt huizenbezitter onrustig

Stijgende hypotheekrente maakt huizenbezitter onrustig

Het Financieele Dagblad |  | Fuente original

Investors Stay Put, Because They Can’t Think of Better Options

Even the worst markets are supposed to have havens. Some unnerved investors are wondering if this one doesn’t.

The Wall Street Journal |  | Fuente original

Davos 2022: Weak global recovery could turn into a new recession, says WEF president

Addressing the worrying prospects of a global recession is one of the top priorities for WEF president Borge Brende.

The Straits Times |  | Fuente original

Cutting City regulation risks another financial crash, say economists

Leading economists publish letter to Rishi Sunak in response to proposed financial services and markets bill

The Guardian |  | Fuente original