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Lote do Imposto de Renda pago em junho terá correção de 1%; veja calendário da restituição

Valores liberados pela Receita Federal têm juros com base na taxa Selic

Folha de S.Paulo |  | Fuente original

Oligarchi russi, il tesoro da 350 miliardi: piano Ue per le confische e la ricostruzione in Ucraina

La Commissione europea ha presentato una direttiva che mira a snellire i processi di identificazione, tracciamento e sequestro dei beni legati ad attività illegali

Corriere della Sera |  | Fuente original

En Allemagne, le tournant de la rigueur se confirme

L’économiste Lars Feld, l’un des plus célèbres avocats du frein à la dette allemand, est depuis février le conseiller spécial du ministre des finances Christian Lindner. Face à la stagflation, il recommande la réduction des dépenses publiques et de l’endettement.

Le Monde |  | Fuente original

Fed Minutes Show Urgency for Raising Rates to Tame High Inflation

U.S. central bankers at this month’s meeting were in agreement on need for further half-point increases in June and July.

The Wall Street Journal |  | Fuente original

More money off energy bills for every household under Rishi Sunak rescue plan

Exclusive: Chancellor to tackle cost-of-living crisis by announcing additional reductions funded by windfall tax on oil and gas firms

The Telegraph |  | Fuente original

Rishi Sunak to announce windfall tax on energy firms

One-off levy to fund support package amid cost of living crisis which could include increase in benefits

The Guardian |  | Fuente original

Elon Musk has secured additional funding to acquire Twitter, filings say

The details of Musk’s financing plans were made public on the day that Twitter shareholders gathered for a scheduled meeting

The Guardian |  | Fuente original