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Nunca habrá inmunidad de rebaño, afirma científico ruso que contrajo 2 veces COVID-19

El experto entró en contacto con personas infectadas para comprobar en carne propia cuánto dura la protección que supuestamente garantizan los anticuerpos.

El Financiero - México |  | Fuente original

Thursday’s traffic was 30% higher than the previous record as people headed out to escape lockdown and others headed back from half-term holidays

Thursday’s traffic was 30% higher than the previous record as people headed out to escape lockdown and others headed back from half-term holidays

The Guardian |  | Fuente original

Boris Johnson under pressure to impose pre and post-Christmas lockdowns

UK's deputy chief medical officer tells ministers he is changing his mind about whether regional measures are now enough

El Financiero - México |  | Fuente original

Japan eases travel curbs for Singapore, China, seven others

Japan lowered its infection risk advisory level but told its citizens to avoid non-urgent, non-essential trips.

The Straits Times |  | Fuente original

Big Tech Companies Reap Gains as Covid-19 Fuels Shift in Demand

Amazon and Google report strong quarterly sales and profits in the midst of a debate over their market power.

The Wall Street Journal |  | Fuente original

Coronavirus cases are surging in swing states that will decide the presidential election - Washington Post

Coronavirus cases are surging in swing states that will decide the presidential election - Washington Post

The Washington Post |  | Fuente original

Ces modélisations qui ont convaincu Emmanuel Macron de reconfiner

DÉCRYPTAGE - Les prévisions épidémiologiques dessinent une situation hors de contrôle, déjà plus grave qu’au printemps.

Le Figaro |  | Fuente original