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How offshore wind became such a good bet 

Boris Johnson wants wind turbines to power every home by 2030

The Telegraph |  | Fuente original

Grbavci i susjedna sela povezani putem s Gornjim Podgradcima

Zajedničkom akcijom mještana potkozarskih sela Grbavci, Baraji i Gornji Podgradci, te Gradske uprave Bosanska Gradiška izgrađen je asfaltni put dužine 1.860 metara

Dnevni avaz |  | Fuente original

A Major Miner’s Daunting Dig Could Reshape the Iron-Ore Market

Rio Tinto’s next leader will inherit a decision that could define the miner’s next decade: whether to partner with China on a potentially lucrative but costly African project that could reshape the iron-ore market.

The Wall Street Journal |  | Fuente original

L’Acoda afirma que la construcció manté el ritme gràcies als privats.

L’Acoda afirma que la construcció manté el ritme gràcies als privats.

El Periòdic d'Andorra |  | Fuente original