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Suez canal: Ever Given ship partially refloated but bow still stuck

Dredgers, excavators and tugboats work through weekend to free stern, but bow still stuck at edge

The Guardian |  | Fuente original

Suez Canal ship Ever Given partially refloated by salvage crews

The Ever Given, the cargo ship stuck in the Suez Canal, was partially refloated and turned this morning, heralding an end to the crisis that has locked hundreds of vessels in a giant seaborne traffic

The Times |  | Fuente original

Giant ship blocking Suez Canal refloated after 6 days

It is not clear how soon the ship, which has a damaged hull, can clear the way for other vessels to pass.

The Straits Times |  | Fuente original

Ship Blocking Suez Canal Is Partially Freed

Engineers partially freed a wedged ship blocking the Suez Canal and tugboats are now working on straightening its course in a move that could soon reopen the vital trade route and end days of global supply disruptions.

The Wall Street Journal |  | Fuente original

Ever Given partially refloated in the Suez Canal

Ever Given partially refloated in the Suez Canal

The Washington Post |  | Fuente original

Reflotan parcialmente el buque Ever Given que bloquea el canal de Suez

El buque de bandera panameña Ever Given ha sido "reflotado parcialmente" este lunes tras seis días varado en el canal de Suez, lo que provocó la suspensión de uno de

La Vanguardia |  | Fuente original

Los remolcadores consiguen reflotar el buque que bloquea el canal de Suez desde hace seis días

Las maniobras para reflotar el ‘Ever Given’, encallado desde el martes pasado, han tenido éxito esta madrugada, mientras 367 buques aguardan el restablecimiento del tráfico. Los trabajos se centran ahora en colocar al carguero en posición para desbloquear el canal

El País |  | Fuente original