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Los Llovera, la familia 'pija' tras el polémico testeo de Glovo

Los Llovera, la familia que impulsa los polémicos tests de coronavirus que te trae @Glovo_ES

El Español |  | Fuente original

La vacuna rusa

Nadie en el mundo ha autorizado la Sputnik V, salvo Rusia, Argentina y ahora México, sumándose estas dos últimas naciones a Bolivia, Venezuela y Bielorrusia como los únicos en adquirirla.

El Financiero - México |  | Fuente original

WHO says new Covid-19 variants now in dozens of countries

It urges nations to actively work to spot mutations that might significantly alter the virus’ virulence or transmissibility.

The Straits Times |  | Fuente original

Mental health decline in girls made worse by social media

The mental health of girls declines sharply at 14 and worsens through adolescence, a two-year study has found.It concluded that heavy social media use and a lack of exercise — both of which have been

The Times |  | Fuente original

New Playbook for Covid-19 Protection Emerges After Year of Study, Missteps

Mask-wearing, good air flow and frequent rapid tests are more important than surface cleaning, temperature checks and plexiglass. Scientists say America needs to double down on protection protocols as potentially more-contagious coronavirus variants take hold and vaccines are slow to roll out.

The Wall Street Journal |  | Fuente original

Vaccins: la recherche française poussée à se réformer

DÉCRYPTAGE - L’échec de l’Institut Pasteur et les difficultés de Sanofi pour trouver un vaccin suscitent des critiques sévères.

Le Figaro |  | Fuente original

Sensorfabrikant Photonis inzet van Nederlands-Franse strijd

Sensorfabrikant Photonis inzet van Nederlands-Franse strijd

Het Financieele Dagblad |  | Fuente original