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Nasa releases panorama taken by Mars rover

The panorama shows the rim of the Jezero Crater where the rover touched down last week. 

The Straits Times |  | Fuente original

Paramount Plus rebrands from CBS All Access, with content including Frasier and Mission: Impossible

Paramount Plus rebrands from CBS All Access, with content including Frasier and Mission: Impossible - The Washington Post

The Washington Post |  | Fuente original

California covid variant B.1.427/B.1.429 is more transmissible, studies show - The Washington Post

California covid variant B.1.427/B.1.429 is more transmissible, studies show - The Washington Post

The Washington Post |  | Fuente original

Vaccins anti-Covid : Moderna se lance à l'assaut du variant sud-africain

ENTRETIEN - L'entreprise veut développer un vaccin qui protégerait à la fois contre la souche sauvage et le variant sud-africain. Dan Staner, responsable de Moderna en Europe, Afrique et au Moyen-Orient, livre les détails de cette stratégie au Figaro.

Le Figaro |  | Fuente original

"Modernina" vakcina za južnoafrički soj spremna za kliničko ispitivanje

Američka biotehnološka kompanija "Moderna" saopćila je da je izmijenjena inačica njenog cjepiva proizvedena namjenski za južnoafrički soj koronavirusa spremna za ispitivanje na ljudima u okviru kliničkog ispitivanja

Dnevni avaz |  | Fuente original

Novavax Nears Covid-19 Vaccine Game Changer—After Years of Failure

Scientists believe that if authorized, Novavax’s vaccine could be one of the more powerful weapons against the pandemic. It would be a shift in fortune for the company, which last year was struggling to survive.

The Wall Street Journal |  | Fuente original

La NASA divulga el primer vídeo de la llegada del róver 'Perseverance' a Marte

Cuatro días después de que la NASA tocara tierra con éxito en Marte a bordo de la sonda robótica Perseverance, el mundo ha podido ver los primeros vídeos del histórico aterrizaje en el planeta rojo. “Queremos hacerles partícipes de este viaje. Son vídeos realmente asombrosos. Es la primera vez que hemos podido...

El Periódico |  | Fuente original