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US joins calls for transparent, science-based investigation into Covid origins

Several countries tell the WHO annual meeting that a new inquiry with new terms of reference must be launched

The Guardian |  | Fuente original

Inquiry Into Covid-19’s Origins Splits U.S. and China

Washington calls for new studies into when, where and how the pandemic began, while Beijing says scrutiny should turn to other countries, reflecting political tensions that are hindering efforts to find the source of the virus.

The Wall Street Journal |  | Fuente original

Top U.S. health official calls for follow-up investigation into pandemic’s origins

Top U.S. health official calls for follow-up investigation into pandemic’s origins

The Washington Post |  | Fuente original

Prohibir uso de agroquímicos que afectan poblaciones de abejas piden veterinarios y Academia

Que se prohíba en el país el uso de agroquímicos que afectan a las abejas como el Fipronil, Glifosato, Paraquat y los insecticidas neonicotinoides (imidacloprid y thiamethoxam) y Trifloxistrobina, es el llamado del Colegio de Médicos Veterinarios, la Universidad Nacional y el Instituto Regional de Estudios en Sustancias Tóxicas.

La República - Costa Rica |  | Fuente original

Un astrónomo nos explica los presagios de la caída de Tenochtitlan

Un cometa, una mujer que llora, un incendio o seres raros y otras señas serán analizadas por el investigador Jesús Galindo en conferencia

El Universal |  | Fuente original

Velika Britanija i WHO će sarađivati na razvoju "pandemijskog radara"

Velika Britanija će sarađivati sa Svjetskom zdravstvenom organizacijom (WHO) na razvoju "pandemijskog radara", sistema koji bi pomogao u brzom prepoznavanju novih sojeva koronavirusa i globalnom praćenju nastajućih bolesti, čime bi se osiguralo da svijet "više nikada ne bude uhvaćen nespreman"

Dnevni avaz |  | Fuente original

Acciaio verde: in Italia il primo test per la produzione (grazie all’idrogeno)

La sperimentazione è avvenuta a Rho, nello stabilimento Forgiatura A. Vienna del gruppo Giva.Le analisi ingegneristiche e le prove di laboratorio sono state effettuate da Snam. La miscela è stata fornita da Sapio

Corriere della Sera |  | Fuente original