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FDA Approves First New Alzheimer’s Drug in Nearly Two Decades

The Biogen drug was approved after facing controversy over whether it really slows the progression of the memory-robbing disease.

The Wall Street Journal |  | Fuente original

U.S. Report Found It Plausible Covid-19 Leaked From Wuhan Lab

Report by a government national laboratory concluded that the hypothesis claiming the virus leaked from a Chinese lab deserves further investigation.

The Wall Street Journal |  | Fuente original

Teremos imunidade duradoura ou precisamos de reforçar as vacinas? O que se sabe até ao momento

Quando a quantidade de anticorpos contra o coronavírus diminui no sangue isso não quer dizer que se perdeu a proteção: há células que continuam a prod...

Observador |  | Fuente original

What's in a name? How WHO arrived at new name for Covid-19 variant B16172

People often associate variants with the place where they were first detected but this leads to some level of stigmatisation.

The Straits Times |  | Fuente original

Sept questions clés sur l’origine du SARS-CoV-2

De la quête d’un éventuel hôte intermédiaire entre la chauve-souris et l’homme aux interrogations sur les travaux menés par l’Institut de virologie de Wuhan, retour sur les sept grandes questions ouvertes sur les débuts de la pandémie de Covid-19.

Le Monde |  | Fuente original

Franz Fehrenbach und Volkmar Denner im Interview: Bosch eröffnet modernstes Chipwerk in Europa – CEO und Chefaufseher fordern „technologische Souveränität“

Die Bosch-Manager erklären, warum die eine Milliarde Euro teure neue Fabrik in Dresden für den Konzern so wichtig ist – und wo Europa aufholen muss.

Handelsblatt |  | Fuente original

Ancient tsunami could have wiped out Scottish cities today, study finds

Research maps the extent of the catastrophic Storegga tsunami 8,200 years ago for the first time

The Guardian |  | Fuente original