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IFC is ready to finance private transmission projects

A lack of available grid capacity, specially in the Cape provinces, risks delaying renewable energy projects

Sunday Times |  | Fuente original

Eskom steps up recovery as Mpumalanga municipal debt balloons

Eskom steps up recovery as Mpumalanga municipal debt balloons

Sunday Sun |  | Fuente original

China’s two richest people lose billions in consumer stock rout

China News: China’s top billionaires saw their combined wealth drop by more than $18 billion due to massive stock selloffs in major consumer firms. This reflects

The Times of India |  | Fuente original

China’s new bubble has sent tremors through Beijing

Beijing is panicking and making some increasingly unusual moves as it struggles to avoid a major financial crisis.

Sydney Morning Herald |  | Fuente original

Banreservas aumenta su capital a RD$76,000 millones

Este hito permitirá fortalecer las capacidades de capitalización y fortalecer la posición financiera de la institución.

Listín diario |  | Fuente original

VW: Sparprogramm der Kernmarke Volkswagen muss nachgeschärft werden

VW: Sparprogramm der Kernmarke Volkswagen muss nachgeschärft werden

Handelsblatt |  | Fuente original

Haddad diz que esforço do segundo semestre vai permitir cumprir meta fiscal de 2024

Ministro ainda afirmou pretende “diminuir o estímulo fiscal que vem sendo dado há 10 anos” e substituir por uma agenda de reformas

Valor Econômico |  | Fuente original