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Trump está recibiendo casi todos los medicamentos posibles contra COVID-19 y esa no es una buena señal

Desde su diagnóstico, a Trump se le ha dado una combinación de productos farmacéuticos experimentales, la mayoría aún no aprobados individualmente y ampliamente no probados en combinación.

El Financiero - México |  | Fuente original

French PM says the capital has passed all three benchmarks for highest alert, as Irish experts reportedly call for return to full lockdown

French PM says the capital has passed all three benchmarks for highest alert, as Irish experts reportedly call for return to full lockdown

The Guardian |  | Fuente original

Coronavirus cases 'lost' in testand traceblunder

Ten-day delay means thousands exposed to virus were not told to self-isolate

The Telegraph |  | Fuente original

Johnson warns angry Britons of 'tough winter' in Covid-19 battle

LONDON (BLOOMBERG) - UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson said he accepts the public is angry with his handling of the pandemic, as officials confirmed thousands of positive cases had been missed from Covid-19 test results.

The Straits Times |  | Fuente original

America’s Main Street Revival Goes Into Reverse, Cutting a Small-Town Lifeline

Small towns fostered a wave of new downtown restaurants and specialty shops in recent years, bringing some much-needed growth. The challenges faced by businesses in Emporia, Kan., show how much that revival is now in danger from Covid-19.

The Wall Street Journal |  | Fuente original

Nicolas Baverez: «De la corruption de la démocratie en Amérique»

CHRONIQUE - Loin de restaurer la grandeur de l’Amérique, Donald Trump en a puissamment accéléré le déclin.

Le Figaro |  | Fuente original

Covid-19 : Paris passe en «zone d'alerte maximale»

Matignon a annoncé dimanche de nouvelles mesures restrictives pour deux semaines, à compter de mardi, pour Paris et sa petite couronne. Les restaurants sont autorisés à ouvrir en respectant un protocole sanitaire renforcé.

Le Figaro |  | Fuente original