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Government plans Covid vaccine passports to allow foreign holidays

British officials have started work on a “vaccine passport” as Greece prepares to waive quarantine rules for tourists who can prove that they have been inoculated against coronavirus.A certification

The Times |  | Fuente original

When will life return to normal? In 7 years at current Covid-19 vaccination rates

Vaccinations are happening more rapidly in richer Western countries than the rest of the globe.

The Straits Times |  | Fuente original

Singapore retail sales chill in December as Singles' Day effect fades

The slump in Singapore's retail sales widened in December last year after a November boost by mega shopping events like Singles' Day and Black Friday faded.

The Straits Times |  | Fuente original

Kabinet en Kamer maken geesten rijp voor verlenging van avondklok

Kabinet en Kamer maken geesten rijp voor verlenging van avondklok

Het Financieele Dagblad |  | Fuente original

L’exécutif cherche le bon ton pour répondre au mal-être de la jeunesse

RÉCIT - Le gouvernement a préféré des mesures ciblées à un plan d’action global et peine à adapter sa communication.

Le Figaro |  | Fuente original

A Paris, la crise sanitaire a freiné la délinquance

Si le nombre de faits constatés a fortement baissé en 2020, le centre de la capitale et le 18e arrondissement restent les premiers touchés.

Le Monde |  | Fuente original

Nuova Alitalia, il decollo rischia di slittare in autunno

Stallo sul dossier: Italia Trasporto Aereo chiede di comprare il ramo aviation. L’Antitrust Ue vuole controllare il nuovo bando di vendita. Il Parlamento prende tempo per l’esame del piano industriale

Corriere della Sera |  | Fuente original