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Coronavirus: acuerdan reducir los vuelos al exterior para evitar contagios

Coronavirus: acuerdan reducir los vuelos al exterior para evitar contagios

La Nación - Argentina |  | Fuente original

Imágenes de un país roto que no cesa de romperse

Imágenes de un país roto que no cesa de romperse

La Nación - Argentina |  | Fuente original

US and China publicly rebuke each other in first major talks of Biden era

Anthony Blinken criticises China over Hong Kong and Xinjiang while his counterpart says US can no longer ‘speak to China from a position of strength’

The Guardian |  | Fuente original

Denmark disperses ghettoes with cap on ‘non-westerners’ to reach 2031 target

Denmark plans to cap the number of “non-westerners” who are allowed to live on its most troubled housing estates as the government seeks to prevent the emergence of “parallel religious and cultural

The Times |  | Fuente original

Rocky start to US-China talks in Alaska as top officials trade barbs in public

US officials said China's actions threaten global stability while Chinese officials opposed US interference.

The Straits Times |  | Fuente original

Gespannen eerste ontmoeting tussen ministers buitenlandse zaken VS en China

Gespannen eerste ontmoeting tussen ministers buitenlandse zaken VS en China

Het Financieele Dagblad |  | Fuente original

Fermeture des commerces et rayons non-essentiels : «C'est un sacré coup de massue»

Dans les régions concernées, les commerçants s'inquiètent de l'impact économique de ce nouveau confinement.

Le Figaro |  | Fuente original