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CMPC consolida presencia en Brasil y compra los activos industriales y forestales de firma de ese país por unos US$170 millones

Con esta adquisición, la empresa del grupo Matte alcanzará una capacidad anual de producción de 1,5 billones de sacos de papel, consolidándose como el segundo actor del rubro a nivel mundial.

Pulso |  | Fuente original

Crisis de equidad en el Estado de Chile

Una gran falla del Estado chileno, y que devino en el estallido social, es de equidad. Las abrumadoras desigualdades, abusos, y el deterioro acelerado de los bienes públicos e institucionales que brindan ecología y pauta al sistema decisorio de gobierno, colapsó y el país debe remediarlo. Esta c...

El Mostrador |  | Fuente original

Ally, Member or Partner? NATO’s Long Dilemma Over Ukraine.

NATO promised Ukraine full membership in 2008, but without explaining how or when. Putin sees that promise as an ongoing threat to Russia.

The New York Times |  | Fuente original

Schools Are Closing Classrooms on Fridays. Parents Are Furious.

Desperate to keep teachers, some districts have turned to remote teaching for one day a week — and sometimes more. Families have been left to find child care.

The New York Times |  | Fuente original

US officials say China's actions towards Taiwan risk destabilising region

They say Beijing's "bullying behaviour" has pushed more countries to step up their support of Taiwan.

The Straits Times |  | Fuente original

Boris Johnson accused of wrecking pubs and restaurants with new Covid rules

Industry leaders warn that nightclubs and bars will suffer the most from the new restrictions announced by the Prime Minister

The Telegraph |  | Fuente original

Don’t go to work, but do go to parties, says Boris Johnson

Immediate backlash at ‘irrational’ new Covid rules after Prime Minister moves England to Plan B

The Telegraph |  | Fuente original