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ICC risks its credible reputation with warrants against Netanyahu and Gallant – editorial

Some will see the ICC's decision as reasonable, and that is exactly what will ultimately strip the court of its legitimacy.

The Jerusalem Post |  | Fuente original

ICC arrest warrants open the door for a Western arms embargo on Israel

The World Court's Decision Could Also Give a Tailwind to the Criminal Complaints and Investigations Against IDF Soldiers and Commanders That Are Being Conducted in Numerous Countries From Civilian Visits to Combat Areas to Conduct Akin to That of a Militia, the IDF's Disciplinary Problems Getting Worse

Haaretz |  | Fuente original

Big Super’s reckoning has arrived

After 32 years of guaranteed inflows from workers and scant scrutiny, the $3.9 trillion industry faces customer fury over service, unclear investment practices and questionable governance.

The Australian Financial Review |  | Fuente original

EU has fallen behind in deadly drone race, says German general

Head of the German army warns that the West’s ‘way of life’ is in danger from Russia and other adversaries and it must invest more in defence

Yeni Safak |  | Fuente original

Le mandat d’arrêt de la CPI contre Benyamin Nétanyahou, un tournant pour la justice internationale

La décision des juges de la Cour pénale internationale change la donne pour une justice qui était focalisée, depuis Nuremberg, sur les vaincus, les parias ou les ennemis de l’Occident.

Le Monde |  | Fuente original

La France insoumise et les islamistes : l’histoire secrète d’une alliance politique

ENQUÊTE - Écrivain et journaliste, Omar Youssef Souleimane, l’auteur de Être Français, a réussi à se faire accepter au cœur des activistes propalestiniens que lui-même qualifie d’islamistes. Keffieh autour du cou, il a infiltré de nombreuses manifestations et rassemblements en France...

Le Figaro |  | Fuente original

Handelsblatt - Nachrichten aus Finanzen, Wirtschaft und Politik

Handelsblatt - Nachrichten aus Finanzen, Wirtschaft und Politik

Handelsblatt |  | Fuente original