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China is scaling up its weather modification programme – here's why we should be worried | Arwa Mahdawi
Beijing is aiming to control rain and snow across half the country. But it is the reason it wants to do this that is really frightening, says Arwa Mahdawi
The Guardian | | Fuente originalBanks hedge bets on Brexit but hope for the best
DealPeople in the financial services industry believe they effectively went through a hard Brexit four years ago. As talks have dragged on over a free-trade deal, banking, insurance and asset
The Times | | Fuente originalCoronavirus: Boris Johnson refuses to revoke Christmas Covid freedom
Boris Johnson has ruled out scrapping Christmas Covid freedoms in England but will urge people to reconsider plans to visit elderly relatives.Despite mounting warnings that a five-day easing of social
The Times | | Fuente originalCovid-19 wiped out 81 million jobs in Asia-Pacific this year: UN agency
Women and young people were disproportionately affected, the International Labour Organization said.
The Straits Times | | Fuente originalZoom to set up R&D centre in Singapore, hire 'hundreds' of engineering staff
Zoom will also expand its co-located data centre here, doubling its capacity.
The Straits Times | | Fuente originalTech Giants Face New Rules in Europe, Backed by Huge Fines
European officials are pursuing new powers to oversee large digital platforms like Facebook, backed by threats of multibillion-dollar fines, as they seek to expand their role as global tech enforcers.
The Wall Street Journal | | Fuente originalFDA Finds Moderna Covid-19 Vaccine Highly Effective
The agency found the vaccine to be “highly effective,” and an independent advisory panel will vote Thursday on whether to recommend authorization. Barring complications, the vaccine could possibly be shipped by this weekend.
The Wall Street Journal | | Fuente originalMás leídas hoy
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- Díaz recorta el alcance de su 'Ley de riders' para conseguir el sí de los empresarios
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- El Supremo evalúa los límites de la CNMV para prohibir las posiciones cortas
- Las luces y sombras del acuerdo de Nochebuena para el 'Brexit'
- El virus se ceba con los empleos menos cualificados: aumenta su brecha salarial y merma su acceso al trabajo
- Blogs en la era de TikTok e Instagram
- La hostelería se la juega con las ayudas: el 20% de las empresas será inviable si la crisis se prolonga
- Glovo paga 21 millones a la Seguridad Social por los repartidores
- La riqueza de holandeses y alemanes crece con fuerza desde 2008, mientras que la de españoles e italianos se estanca
- El precio de la vivienda baja más del 5% en Madrid y Barcelona en el 2020
- El Gobierno de Ayuso cambia de nuevo el método para contar los contagios de coronavirus