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Australia quietly boosts foreign aid amid concerns over Covid-19 and China's influence

SYDNEY - Australia's ruling coalition has finally begun to boost foreign aid after years of drastic cuts, but it appears to be keeping the move quiet.

The Straits Times |  | Fuente original

Slow Covid-19 Vaccine Rollout, New Variants Shift Some Business Plans

The rollout and new variants are pushing back CEO expectations for when consumers will return en masse to traveling, eating out and shopping in stores.

The Wall Street Journal |  | Fuente original

From Lightbulbs to 5G, China Battles West for Control of Vital Technology Standards

Whoever has control of industrial norms for telecommunications, electricity transmission and artificial intelligence is in a position to dominate. For years, Western countries had the whip hand. Not anymore.

The Wall Street Journal |  | Fuente original

Carmakers struggle with batteries, software, convenience and customer preferences

Carmakers struggle with batteries, software, convenience and customer preferences

The Washington Post |  | Fuente original

On cusp of impeachment trial, court documents point to how Trump’s rhetoric fueled rioters who attacked Capitol

On cusp of impeachment trial, court documents point to how Trump’s rhetoric fueled rioters who attacked Capitol

The Washington Post |  | Fuente original

Shell en Eneco verkopen helft stroomproductie nieuw groot windpark Noordzee aan Amazon

Shell en Eneco verkopen helft stroomproductie nieuw groot windpark Noordzee aan Amazon

Het Financieele Dagblad |  | Fuente original

Particuliere beleggers slepen notarissen voor de rechter vanwege rol in dubieuze grondhandel

Particuliere beleggers slepen notarissen voor de rechter vanwege rol in dubieuze grondhandel

Het Financieele Dagblad |  | Fuente original