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Lockdown battle begins: Boris Johnson concedes 'circuit breaker' may be necessary if tier system fails

Starmer intensifies pressure by calling for tighter restrictions, as Tory MPs rebel in pub curfew vote

The Telegraph |  | Fuente original

Carmaking returns to Singapore with Hyundai's new smart plant in Jurong

Electric cars will be built at a highly automated factory in Singapore, marking the return of automobile manufacturing here and incorporating first-of-its-kind features.

The Straits Times |  | Fuente original

Singapore GDP shrinks at slower 7% rate in Q3 as economy starts to recover

The rebound from the doldrums of the circuit breaker period came on the back of Singapore's manufacturing sector.

The Straits Times |  | Fuente original

Fewer Fistfights, Less Sex—TV Production Gets a Covid Makeover

As production resumes during the pandemic, fear of contagion is changing everything about making television. Producers are avoiding scenes with crowds, guest stars or intimacy between characters, wherever possible. “Are we crazy to be doing this?”

The Wall Street Journal |  | Fuente original

JPMorgan, Citigroup Signal That Economy Isn’t Out of the Woods

Both banks reported better-than-expected results, but JPMorgan CEO James Dimon said the U.S. needs another coronavirus-relief package.

The Wall Street Journal |  | Fuente original

Disney reoganization meant to benefit Disney Plus.

At heart is a question of how much a legacy company like Disney can — or even should want to — fully pivot away from its profitable legacy businesses.

The Washington Post |  | Fuente original

Supreme Court nominee Barrett says personal views will not impact her decisions on abortion, health care.

On the second day of her confirmation hearings, Amy Coney Barrett repeatedly avoided weighing in on her personal views about landmark decisions.

The Washington Post |  | Fuente original