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Pandemia, migración y otros retos de Biden en sus primeros 100 días

El presidente electo Joe Biden tiene enfrente la crisis sanitaria provocada por la pandemia, ordenar la migración, la expansión de la ley y los derechos civiles, entre otros desafíos

El Universal |  | Fuente original

Productividad y vicios: el lado bueno y malo del home office

Pese a que la mayoría de empleados piensa que el home office llegó para quedarse, además de las adicciones, el confinamiento elevó la violencia doméstica

El Universal |  | Fuente original

Billionaires add $1tn to net worth during pandemic as their workers struggle

Companies’ attempts at hazard pay have been paltry and fleeting as employees are threatened for protesting working conditions

The Guardian |  | Fuente original

San Francisco office market in collapse as tech workers stay home

As Silicon Valley businesses shutter offices, the city looks very different. But will the change outlast the coronavirus?

The Guardian |  | Fuente original

Boris Johnson consults businesses on plan to become Europe’s Singapore

Boris Johnson will hold talks with business leaders today about cutting red tape as ministers draw up plans to turn Britain into the “Singapore of Europe” now that it has left the European Union.The

The Times |  | Fuente original

Coronavirus: Full speed ahead with vaccination of over-70s

More than 5.5 million people who are over 70 or clinically extremely vulnerable will begin receiving letters today for coronavirus jab appointments in a “significant milestone” for the government’s

The Times |  | Fuente original

China’s mega dam project seen as looming threat in India

Could water be the next source of tension between India and China?

The Straits Times |  | Fuente original