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Huelga no interfiere en posible concurso mercantil de Interjet: abogados

En caso de que detengan actividades de la aerolínea, los trabajadores se convierten en acreedores y se reconoce el adeudo a su salario, explican

El Universal |  | Fuente original

GameStop's three largest shareholders earn over $2bn amid stock surge

Shares rise as video game retailer is at the center of a frenzied dual between Wall Street and small investors

The Guardian |  | Fuente original

Biden signals radical shift from Trump era with executive orders on climate change

‘We need to be bold,’ Biden says, signing orders to halt fossil fuel activity on public lands and transform the government’s fleet of cars into electric vehicles

The Guardian |  | Fuente original

Green energy sources now create more electricity than fossil fuels

The UK generated more electricity from renewable sources than from fossil fuels for the first time in 2020, according to an analysis.Wind turbines, solar panels, hydro-electric plants and biomass

The Times |  | Fuente original

UK supply of Covid vaccine ‘more than is needed’

Britain has more than enough coronavirus vaccines for this year and could eventually donate them to other countries, senior industry sources told The Times last night.They said that Britain had

The Times |  | Fuente original

Societies need to focus on well-being of people rather than material gains: WEF founder

The theme of stakeholder capitalism is a key topic being discussed over various days of the forum.

The Straits Times |  | Fuente original

WHO says new Covid-19 variants now in dozens of countries

It urges nations to actively work to spot mutations that might significantly alter the virus’ virulence or transmissibility.

The Straits Times |  | Fuente original