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Juez federal elimina 'freno' a empresas de energías renovables

Concedió el amparo a las empresas Desarrollos Eólicos Mexicanos de Oaxaca, con lo que dejó sin efecto la obstrucción a la entrada al Sistema Eléctrico Nacional a empresas que generan energía eólica y solar.

El Financiero - México |  | Fuente original

Workers aged under 25 more than twice as likely to have lost job in past two months

Workers aged under 25 more than twice as likely to have lost job in past two months

The Guardian |  | Fuente original

Even with effective vaccine, hospitality sector will struggle to return to 2019 levels

Even with effective vaccine, hospitality sector will struggle to return to 2019 levels

The Guardian |  | Fuente original

Germany Inc fears the worst as second wave takes hold

Fears mount that the ‘last stronghold’ of the eurozone is finally faltering as the economic outlook darkens

El Financiero - México |  | Fuente original

Eurozone and US markets tumble as traders take fright over Covid surge

German stocks hit hardest amid fears that restrictions will be reintroduced

El Financiero - México |  | Fuente original

Singapore has strengthened status as global logistics hub amid Covid-19 crisis: Chan Chun Sing

The Republic has been kept open to trade even as global supply chains are disrupted.

The Straits Times |  | Fuente original

Owner of MBS exploring $8.2b sale of Vegas properties as Singapore casino rebounds to profit

A sale would concentrate Sands' casino portfolio entirely in Macau and Singapore.

The Straits Times |  | Fuente original