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IP reprueba contrarreforma eléctrica de López Obrador

Advierte que plan traerá larga ola de conflictos internacionales porque se violan tratados y la Constitución

El Universal |  | Fuente original

IMSS prepara 139 hospitales sólo para pacientes Covid

La mayoría están en la CDMX, Edomex y Jalisco; el instituto invertirá mil 607.1 millones de pesos para la compra de 11 mil 515 bienes y equipos médicos para atender la emergencia sanitaria

El Universal |  | Fuente original

Fix gaps in furlough for self-employed workers, government urged

MPs and campaign groups say ministers must fix eligibility criteria excluding more than 3 million workers in Covid-19 crisis

The Guardian |  | Fuente original

Republicans take no action against Cheney or extremist Greene after vote

Republicans met to consider fate of two prominent congresswoman in a divided party

The Guardian |  | Fuente original

University students ditch arts degrees and opt for medicine

The arts degree is in steady decline as medicine, computing and engineering soar in popularity, university entry figures show today.Fewer than 7,000 students were accepted for English degrees last

The Times |  | Fuente original

Britain now ‘past peak of second Covid wave’

Britain is past the peak of the coronavirus, the chief medical officer for England has declared. Chris Whitty said that cases, hospital admissions and deaths were falling in all four nations of the UK

The Times |  | Fuente original

Keppel submits lowest bid for Brazil's Petrobras platform: Sources

The competition marks Petrobras' comeback as a key customer for Asian shipyards.

The Straits Times |  | Fuente original