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Who will take up Merkel's mantle?
It is the online convention of Germany's conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU) - the country's biggest political party - and the most important item on the agenda is who gets the chance to assume the mantle of Chancellor Angela Merkel, when she steps down later this year.
The Straits Times | | Fuente originalUS Vice-President Pence rejects call to invoke 25th Amendment to remove Trump
Pence said he did not believe it was in the best interest of the nation or consistent with the US Constitution.
The Straits Times | | Fuente originalTax Season Is Coming, and It Could Be Messy
Many taxpayers will forgo their usual in-person meetings with tax preparers amid the pandemic. Millions will need to file tax returns to get the balance they are owed for stimulus payments. Others will face the complexities of state-tax rules for remote work.
The Wall Street Journal | | Fuente originalPence Says He Won’t Invoke 25th Amendment, Setting Stage for Impeachment Vote
Some Republican lawmakers say they would vote to impeach Trump in the wake of Capitol riot. House Democrats passed a resolution Tuesday demanding that Pence and a majority of the cabinet invoke the 25th Amendment.
The Wall Street Journal | | Fuente originalLive-stream concerts, festivals and events: The pandemic could change access to entertainment forever
Live-stream concerts, festivals and events: The pandemic could change access to entertainment forever
The Washington Post | | Fuente originalTrump has been suspended from YouTube - The Washington Post
Trump has been suspended from YouTube - The Washington Post
The Washington Post | | Fuente original'Faillissementen zullen oplopen in tweede jaarhelft'
'Faillissementen zullen oplopen in tweede jaarhelft'
Het Financieele Dagblad | | Fuente originalMás leídas hoy
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- El Gobierno prorrogará la moratoria de los concursos de acreedores
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- El Tribunal Supremo eleva la carga fiscal del usufructo en la herencia
- El Reino Unido desafía a la UE y altera unilateralmente el Protocolo de Irlanda
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- Por qué no hay que dejar la libertad de expresión en manos de las empresas
- El Gobierno se plantea transferir más dinero a las autonomías para que ayuden a las empresas
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- Google’s FLoC Is a Terrible Idea
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