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Citi loses bid to recall US$500m in wrong payments from massive blunder
A US judgment called the debacle "one of the biggest blunders in banking history."
The Straits Times | | Fuente originalWHO's mission to China ends without finding the origin of the coronavirus
Here are some FAQs about the issue.
The Straits Times | | Fuente originalNew York State Sues Amazon Over Worker Treatment During Covid-19 Pandemic
The company said the attorney general’s case doesn't present an accurate picture of its pandemic response.
The Wall Street Journal | | Fuente originalSchool Reopening Pits Parents Against Teachers: “Is There a Word Beyond ‘Frustrating’?”
Nearly a year into the pandemic shutdown, the debate over how and when to send students back to the classroom has reached a fever pitch, and is polarizing communities across the country.
The Wall Street Journal | | Fuente originalOnline shopping is becoming more sustainable, with reusable boxes and more efficient deliveries
Online shopping is becoming more sustainable, with reusable boxes and more efficient deliveries
The Washington Post | | Fuente originalBiden heads to Milwaukee for first appearance outside DC
Biden heads to Milwaukee for first appearance outside DC
The Washington Post | | Fuente originalHistorische krimp van 3,8% als meevaller
Historische krimp van 3,8% als meevaller
Het Financieele Dagblad | | Fuente originalMás leídas hoy
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- Hacienda incentiva la salida de hasta 20.000 millones de sicavs a fondos en Luxemburgo
- El tripartito alemán endurece su discurso frente a China y Rusia
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- WTA suspends tournaments in China amid concern for Peng Shuai
- El 'milagro' de los ingresos: la recaudación fiscal crece el doble que el PIB
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- Radicales acosan a constitucionalistas en Cataluña facilitando sus datos en webs porno
- España se queda fuera de las apuestas de los grandes gestores para empezar el año
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- Las comunidades autónomas acarician el primer superávit fiscal de su historia
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