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US President Trump, wife Melania test positive for Covid-19 after close aide falls ill
Mr Trump is expected to "continue carrying out his duties without disruption while recovering" in the White House, said his doctor.
The Straits Times | | Fuente originalA Major Miner’s Daunting Dig Could Reshape the Iron-Ore Market
Rio Tinto’s next leader will inherit a decision that could define the miner’s next decade: whether to partner with China on a potentially lucrative but costly African project that could reshape the iron-ore market.
The Wall Street Journal | | Fuente originalPresident Trump and First Lady Melania Test Positive for Covid-19
President Trump said he and the first lady tested positive for Covid-19, adding that they would “begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately,” an unprecedented situation that will upend the final month of the 2020 campaign.
The Wall Street Journal | | Fuente originalSeptember layoffs pile up as unemployment claims remain high.
Airlines, theme parks, and insurance and petroleum companies all announced layoffs in recent days, as economists continue to warn about more job loss ahead.
The Washington Post | | Fuente originalTrump says he and first lady have tested positive for coronavirus.
Trump says he and first lady have tested positive for coronavirus.
The Washington Post | | Fuente originalKritiek AFM op Europese regels: 'Weeffout keert zich tegen ons'
Steeds meer Nederlanders worden benaderd door 'dubieuze' beleggingsinstellingen uit het buitenland, die een vergunning kregen in Cyprus. Toezicht houden is lastig.
Het Financieele Dagblad | | Fuente originalAmerikaanse president Trump besmet met corona
Trump en zijn vrouw vermoedelijk besmet door naaste adviseur. Besmetting verstoort zijn herverkiezingscampagne.
Het Financieele Dagblad | | Fuente originalMás leídas hoy
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