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El mercado ya descuenta que los bancos centrales bajarán los tipos en 2023

Cada vez hay menos dudas de que las economías se encaminan a una recesión que frenaría la inflación, dando margen a los países a recuperar una política monetaria expansiva

El Confidencial |  | Fuente original

Podemos eleva la factura a Sánchez para salvar los PGE tras el choque con Defensa

Como respuesta a la ampliación del crédito en Defensa de 1.017 millones, que aprobará hoy el Consejo de Ministros, los morados han avanzado su rechazo en el Congreso al pacto de Rota para incrementar la presencia militar norteamericana

El Confidencial |  | Fuente original

Russia Claims Control of Luhansk as Ukrainian Forces Retreat From Lysychansk

The Ukrainian withdrawal effectively placed under Russian control the eastern region at the center of the war in recent months.

The Wall Street Journal |  | Fuente original

Banks Get Burned by Risky Debt, Imperiling Buyout Activity

Investment banks are facing big losses on leveraged buyouts they agreed to finance before markets soured, further chilling the outlook for deal activity.

The Wall Street Journal |  | Fuente original

The Long Path to Reclaim Abortion Rights

The Supreme Court decision to reverse Roe, far from settling the matter, instead has launched court and political battles across the states likely to go on for years.

The New York Times |  | Fuente original

As City Falls, Ukraine’s Last Hope in Luhansk Falls With It

Lysychansk managed to hold out for a week after its twin city, Sievierodonetsk, was captured. But on Sunday a pro-Russian flag flew there, as well.

The New York Times |  | Fuente original

‘Bonkers’ City rules hand China and Russia military edge over UK

UK investors urged to stop shunning British defence giants

The Telegraph |  | Fuente original