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Manuel Pimentel, exministro de Trabajo: "Europa está provocando su suicidio con las políticas agrícolas"

El ministro de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales entre 1999 y 2000 durante el gobierno de Aznar acaba de publicar 'La venganza del campo'. Vozpópuli habla con él sobre la situación del sector

Voz Pópuli |  | Fuente original

‘El Loco’ Won the Argentina Election Last Month With Outlandish Ideas. Now He’s Backpedaling.

Milei pledged to cut ties with China and slash public spending. Ahead of Sunday’s inauguration, he has taken a softer tone.

The Wall Street Journal |  | Fuente original

SEC Head Warns Against ‘AI Washing,’ the High-Tech Version of ‘Greenwashing’

Agency head Gary Gensler cautioned businesses against peddling phony AI-related hype.

The Wall Street Journal |  | Fuente original

Xi Jinping Is Asserting Tighter Control of Finance in China

The Communist Party’s main theoretical journal has laid out a new ideological framework for the financial system that emphasizes the primacy of China’s top leader and Marxist principles.

The New York Times |  | Fuente original

How Nations Are Losing a Global Race to Tackle A.I.’s Harms

Alarmed by the power of artificial intelligence, Europe, the United States and others are trying to respond — but the technology is evolving more rapidly than their policies.

The New York Times |  | Fuente original

Britons may be forced to take selfie before viewing pornography

Ofcom could roll out ‘facial age estimation’ systems to protect children online

The Telegraph |  | Fuente original

Brussels delays electric car tariffs by three years as UK EV sales slump

Postponement of new trade rules comes amid a collapse in private buyer demand for EVs

The Telegraph |  | Fuente original