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Only 15% of people surveyed are aware of S’pore’s net-zero emission target: Study

When told about the target, many showed strong interest in contributing to it

The Straits Times |  | Fuente original

How Javier Milei plans to use Thatcher’s own creed to win over the Falklands

The Argentine leader sees rapprochement with the West as key to a transfer of sovereignty

The Telegraph |  | Fuente original

Asda superstore to become new ‘town centre’ with 1,500 homes

Supermarket giant’s race to cut debt pile could ease London’s housing crisis

The Telegraph |  | Fuente original

MPs and peers urge Sunak to U-turn on oil and gas extraction plans

Cross-party group of 50 calls on prime minister to appoint climate envoy and back Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance

The Guardian |  | Fuente original

Sex education in English schools set to be banned before children are nine

Education secretary Gillian Keegan to announce guidelines for phased discussion of topics depending on pupils’ age

The Guardian |  | Fuente original

¿PAN quiere subir la tarifa del Metro? Oposición aclara su polémica propuesta

Los legisladores panista de la CDMX presentaron una propuesta de tarifa diferenciada en el Metro de la CDMX.

El Financiero - México |  | Fuente original

‘Presidente Máynez’ crece en popularidad tras ‘propuesta indecorosa’ de ‘Alito’ Moreno

Rumbo al tercer debate presidencial, Máynez sumó una intención de voto del 13 por ciento.

El Financiero - México |  | Fuente original