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The Unfinished Business of Office Diversity Training

Companies announced major diversity initiatives amid last summer’s protests. Half a year later, progress has been inconsistent.

The Wall Street Journal |  | Fuente original

Congress Reaches Final Agreement on Pandemic Relief

The emerging agreement is expected to provide a $600 direct check to many Americans, $300 a week in enhanced federal unemployment benefits, and aid for schools, vaccine distribution and small businesses.

The Wall Street Journal |  | Fuente original

Early access to the coronavirus vaccine sparks lobbying from companies and unions - The Washington Post

Early access to the coronavirus vaccine sparks lobbying from companies and unions - The Washington Post

The Washington Post |  | Fuente original

$900 billion coronavirus relief package deal completed with $600 stimulus checks, jobless benefits - The Washington Post

$900 billion coronavirus relief package deal completed with $600 stimulus checks, jobless benefits - The Washington Post

The Washington Post |  | Fuente original

Banken en opsporingsautoriteit zetten stap in strijd tegen corruptie

Banken en opsporingsautoriteit zetten stap in strijd tegen corruptie

Het Financieele Dagblad |  | Fuente original

Damrak verliest glans voor kleinere bedrijven

Damrak verliest glans voor kleinere bedrijven

Het Financieele Dagblad |  | Fuente original

Pêche : les négociations sur le Brexit inquiètent la filière française

Malgré ce contexte tendu, la demande française de poissons et crustacés est au «rendez-vous» pour les fêtes de fin d'année.

Le Figaro |  | Fuente original