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Brussels urges unity over AstraZeneca jab to boost public confidence

EU governments divided over whether and what restrictions if any should be imposed on its use

The Guardian |  | Fuente original

New force of nature leaves physicists over the muon

Scientists have found strong evidence of a new kind of physics, and potentially an entirely new force of nature, in an experiment at a US laboratory.Researchers discovered that a type of subatomic

The Times |  | Fuente original

Covid vaccines are safe and save lives, insists Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson began a campaign to maintain public confidence in the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine last night after medical advisers said that the under-30s should be offered another jab because of

The Times |  | Fuente original

HSBC moves more than 1,200 UK staff to permanent home working

HSBC's move goes further than most rivals. 

The Straits Times |  | Fuente original

Ranking employees by performance doesn't always work

(FINANCIAL TIMES) - When Mr Bill Michael, the former chair of KPMG, told staff to "stop moaning" in a virtual meeting in February, one of the issues they were complaining about was the "forced distribution" model used to assess their performance.

The Straits Times |  | Fuente original

Most Big Debt Collectors Backed Off During the Pandemic. One Pressed Ahead.

Little-known Sherman Financial, which buys defaulted credit-card debt, filed more collection lawsuits after lockdowns began than in the year-earlier period. In doing so, it cemented its reputation as a nonconformist in the industry.

The Wall Street Journal |  | Fuente original

Biden Softens Tax Plan Aimed at Profitable Companies That Pay Little

The administration’s $2 billion income threshold for a proposed 15% minimum tax on profitable companies that pay little would affect only an estimated 45 businesses.

The Wall Street Journal |  | Fuente original