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Industry forecasts record cuts to budgets for so-called ‘golden’ quarter amid pandemic

Industry forecasts record cuts to budgets for so-called ‘golden’ quarter amid pandemic

The Guardian |  | Fuente original

Lloyds profits surge as mortgage applications hit 12-year high

Property sales have soared since lockdown as buyers are rushing to complete before the March stamp duty deadline

El Financiero - México |  | Fuente original

France goes into second Covid lockdown

Europe is being overrun, Emmanuel Macron warns as Boris Johnson is urged to protect UK economy

El Financiero - México |  | Fuente original

France and Germany thrust into lockdown as second Covid-19 wave sweeps

World stock markets went into a dive in response to the news that Europe’s biggest economies were imposing nationwide restrictions. 

The Straits Times |  | Fuente original

Positive growth next year, but Singapore economy not out of woods yet

Even if a vaccine becomes available, recovery will take more time than in previous recessions.

The Straits Times |  | Fuente original

U.S. States Face Biggest Cash Crisis Since the Great Depression

The drop in income and sales tax revenue has created a historic crisis for states, with a total shortfall expected in the hundreds of billions of dollars. The projected gaps are greater than 2019’s K-12 education budget for every state combined, or more than twice the amount spent that year on state roads and other transportation infrastructure.

The Wall Street Journal |  | Fuente original

Tech CEOs Square Off With Senators in Hearing Over Online Speech

A Senate hearing in which lawmakers tangled with leaders of the largest social-media companies reflected deep discontent with their power to shape political discourse—and equally deep divisions over how to address it.

The Wall Street Journal |  | Fuente original