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Fernández será el presidente del PJ en una lista de unidad con paridad de género

Fernández será el presidente del PJ en una lista de unidad con paridad de género

La Nación - Argentina |  | Fuente original

El streaming le apuesta a México en la carrera por contenidos

Con el incremento de usuarios derivado de la pandemia del coronavirus, las empresas prevén realizar decenas de historias en territorio nacional, lo que generaría empleos, pero también proyección en todo el mundo

El Universal |  | Fuente original

Google and Facebook: the landmark Australian law that will make them pay for news content

Despite protestations from both companies, the Australian parliament is set to pass legislation it says is needed to boost public interest journalism

The Guardian |  | Fuente original

Ursula von der Leyen’s vaccine disaster has ruined UK ties, says senior MEP

Europe’s most prominent federalist has accused Ursula von der Leyen of overseeing a “diplomatic disaster” that has wrecked relations between the EU and Britain.Guy Verhofstadt, the senior liberal MEP

The Times |  | Fuente original

South Korea to exclude those aged 65 and above when rolling out Covid-19 vaccinations on Feb 26

It comes amid growing concerns over how well the first batch of vaccine by AstraZeneca would work on older people.

The Straits Times |  | Fuente original

Ban on New Foreign Workers Left U.S. Jobs Unfilled, Even in Covid Downturn

Pandemic border closures and visa restrictions by the Trump administration last year were intended to curb coronavirus spread and keep more jobs open for Americans; many weren’t interested or qualified.

The Wall Street Journal |  | Fuente original

Cardinal Health, other drug companies seek tax refunds to offset opioid settlement

Cardinal Health, other drug companies seek tax refunds to offset opioid settlement

The Washington Post |  | Fuente original