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Landlords shun London for more lucrative properties in the North

Slowing house prices in capital boost buy-to-let investment in northern counties

The Telegraph |  | Fuente original

Low-welfare eggs from caged hens imported to UK in ‘staggering’ numbers

Exclusive: Concerns grow that post-Brexit trade deals could lead to further decline in quality as battery farm eggs are reintroduced

The Guardian |  | Fuente original

La oferta de alquiler se hunde un 30,6% desde la nueva ley y dispara los precios

La Ley de Vivienda que entró en vigor en mayo de este año está agravando todavía más los problemas que había venido a tratar de solucionar, especialmente en el mercado del alquiler

Expansión |  | Fuente original

Huizenprijzen dalen vooral in Utrecht in derde kwartaal

Huizenprijzen dalen vooral in Utrecht in derde kwartaal

Het Financieele Dagblad |  | Fuente original

Food Is on Sale Again. You Might Still Have Sticker Shock.

U.S. food giants are back to pitching deals as consumers balk at high prices.

The Wall Street Journal |  | Fuente original

Why Olive Oil Is So Expensive Right Now

Prices have more than doubled as extreme weather hit crops in Spain, Italy and elsewhere. The upcoming harvest isn’t looking much better, so that drizzle of oil on your salad may remain costly.

The New York Times |  | Fuente original