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S'pore takes lead in assembling multi-nation grouping to develop Covid-19 vaccine

The 15-member grouping aims to get vaccine ready for distribution in 2021 to all nations, rich and poor, big and small.

The Straits Times |  | Fuente original

Early voting in US presidential election setting records and favouring Democrats

Nationwide, 28 million have voted and African Americans are a big part of that number.

The Straits Times |  | Fuente original

Moderna CEO Expects Covid-19 Vaccine Interim Results in November

Moderna Chief Executive Stéphane Bancel said the federal government could authorize emergency use of the company’s experimental Covid-19 vaccine in December, if the company gets positive interim results in November from a large clinical trial.

The Wall Street Journal |  | Fuente original

Farmers Stick With Trump, Despite Trade-War Pain

Many in agriculture say they believe a Biden presidency would bring stricter environmental regulations and higher taxes than the incumbent. “I’ll take the good with the bad.”

The Wall Street Journal |  | Fuente original

Thanksgiving’s new leftovers: Turkeys too big for farmers to sell.

Thanksgiving will entail more, smaller gatherings, and there’s not much turkey farmers can do to accommodate the shift

The Washington Post |  | Fuente original

Supreme Court denies GOP request to stop extended deadline for mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania, a key state for Trump.

The court’s action carried outsize importance because of Pennsylvania’s pivotal role in the presidential election.

The Washington Post |  | Fuente original

Brexitimpasse duurt voort, ondanks Brusselse geste

EU-onderhandelaar Michel Barnier probeerde de gesprekken maandag te reactiveren, maar tevergeefs.

Het Financieele Dagblad |  | Fuente original