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US House of Representatives passes CCP sanctions act - Taipei Times

Bringing Taiwan to the World and the World to Taiwan

Taipei Times |  | Fuente original

韓半導體輸台灣!又爆「9成產業」被中國超車 韓媒急拉警報 - 自由財經

高佳菁/核稿編輯 〔財經頻道/綜合報導〕TrendForce指出,台積電(2330)第2季在全球晶圓代工市占率為62.3%,狠甩三星(Samsung)11.5%市占率,而近日韓媒指出,南韓除

Liberty Times |  | Fuente original

Fiscalía pide 18 meses de prisión preventiva contra Andrés Hurtado por presunto tráfico de influencias | Chibolin | Elizabeth Peralta | Augusto Javier Miu Lei | Política | La República

Fiscalía pide 18 meses de prisión preventiva contra Andrés Hurtado por presunto tráfico de influencias | Chibolin | Elizabeth Peralta | Augusto Javier Miu Lei | Política | La República

La República Perú |  | Fuente original

AAP: 'El paro de transportistas en Lima podría costar hasta S/230 millones diarios a la economía'

En caso la paralización afectará solo media jornada laboral, la pérdida ascendería a S/115.22 millones, mientras que una afectación de un cuarto de jornada se traduciría en S/57.61 millones diarios.

El Comercio |  | Fuente original

IDF 'Arrow' aerial defense system intercepts Houthi missile

The missile was intercepted outside Israeli airspace, according to the IDF, causing loud booms and debris to fall.

The Jerusalem Post |  | Fuente original

Netanyahu's office: Israel 'shares the aims' of U.S.-led proposal for 21-day Lebanon truce

White House: We Wouldn't Have Issued Lebanon Cease-fire Proposal if It Wasn't Backed Up by Talks With Israel; Both Sides Confirm That Contacts Are Ongoing

Haaretz |  | Fuente original

Debt securities listing time cut to T+3

NEW DELHI: Sebi on Thursday decided to reduce the timeline for listing of public issue of debt securities to three working days from six days at prese.

The Times of India |  | Fuente original