
We must not turn our backs on the Afghans

The decision to withdraw was reckless but even now there are actions Britain and the West can take to lessen the damage

The Times

Herat is an ancient city on the Silk Road, originally built around an oasis in a fertile valley. In present-day Afghanistan it is the gateway to Iran, with a population of half a million. At the height of Nato combat operations in the country, a decade ago, I visited Herat to get a glimpse of what this war-torn country could become: it was peaceful and prosperous, with tree-lined avenues, historic sites and a bustling industrial estate around its airport. I discussed an optimistic future with students at the university, including young Afghan women never allowed to study before.

The hopes of those students for a more peaceful, tolerant and modern future for their country made a deep impression on me. They were showing it could